what will happen if a planet full of water collides with sun here is the answer

what will happen if a planet full of water collides with sun here is the answer

Planet Full Of Water Collides With Sun: The sun has been giving us light for about 4.5 billion years. If we talk about the distance of the Sun from the Earth, it is 14 crore 96 lakh kilometers. The Sun is considered a huge ball of fire. Its age is currently said to be 4.6 billion years. The sun is made up of many particles. Its center contains about 71% hydrogen, 26.5% helium, and 2.5% other elements. There are elements like hydrogen, helium, sulfur, iron, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, carbon, and chromium on its surface.

So the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen inside the sun is 1.5%. The remaining 0.5% are elements like neon, iron, silicon, magnesium, and sulfur. Many different types of questions arise in people’s minds regarding the sun. One of these questions is that if a planet filled with water collides with the Sun. So what will happen after this? Let us tell you.

What will happen if a planet filled with water collides with the sun?

There are many such planets in the universe about which astronomers are still doing research. There are very few such planets in the universe which are filled with water in large quantities. There is a planet named GJ 1214 here, which scientists also call Super Earth. It is two and a half times larger than the Earth in size and eight times larger in mass. There is 75 percent water on this planet. If it also hits Surat, it will be much smaller than the Sun. That means there is no such planet in the universe. Which can compete with the Sun and can even go around it.

But suppose a mixture of many planets like GJ 1214 collides with the Sun. Which are filled with water only. So what will happen in such a situation? You must be wondering whether the sun will get extinguished somewhere. So let us tell you that this will not happen at all. The sun is not just a sphere today. Plasma is present inside the sun. Which does not require oxygen to burn. Nuclear fusion keeps happening inside the sun. Where hydrogen atoms combine and convert into helium atoms and light is produced.

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will burn faster

In such a situation, if a water planet collides with the sun, then instead of extinguishing the sun, it will start burning more. Because as soon as the planet comes near the sun, it will turn into steam and the atoms of hydrogen gas present in the water will act as fuel for the sun. Because the Sun already had hydrogen atoms present and now more hydrogen atoms will be present. Due to which the sun will start burning more and its size will start increasing further.

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the age of the sun will reduce

At present the age of the Sun is 5 billion years. But if a water filled planet collides with the sun. Then the hydrogen atoms present inside the sun will start burning more rapidly. With this the size of the sun will start increasing. The sun will start generating more heat. But this will reduce the lifespan of the sun. Maybe instead of 5 billion years. He could live only for one billion years.

Will pose a threat to humans

If a planet full of water collides with the Sun, the Sun will start burning faster. Due to which it will start getting hotter. And the size of the sun will increase. Due to which all the other planets will come closer to the sun. In such a situation, the sun will become a big threat to the earth. The heat will increase suddenly. And this will pose a threat not only to human life.

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